Change the Hard Drive from HDD to SSD

itech SSD&HDD

Change the Hard Drive from HDD to SSD: Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are mechanical devices that use spinning platters to read and/or write data. The downside is like all mechanical devices, eventually, they will suffer from mechanical failure.

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Upgrade HDD is valuable?

Moreover, if you have a 4200 rpm HDD in your system, upgrading to a 7200 will give you a faster read/write experience. However, switching to an SSD will provide an even more considerable speed boost.


SSD (Solid State Drive) uses flash memory to provide superior performance and durability to an HDD. SSD contains no moving parts, making them more reliable than HDD. An SSD can read/write data at 500 Mbps (megabits per second), while an HDD is stuck at 125 Mbps. In other words, they are much, much faster.


Don’t discard your old HDD! Most computers have enough room for an additional hard drive. A best practice is to use your SSD to contain your OS (operating system) and use your old HDD as a storage drive.

When your hard drive has failed

When your hard drive has failed, and you need the data stored on it, you will also need a data recovery service. This would be an additional charge, besides the cost to replace the HDD. One way to avoid this potential disaster is by having a data and backup recovery plan in place.

Upgrade HDD is valuable
Change the Hard Drive from HDD to SSD:

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